How to Django 1.4 and Heroku
Heroku is a very complete, scalable and reliable platform, but the last update from part of the Django guys have changed the things a bit. The Django 1.4 directory structure is different and Heroku Buildpack (at this time) has not been updated yet. So I added some code fixing this behavior, at this pull request, but it seems that the Heroku guys have not updated it yet, but that is not a blocker.
When we create the Heroku instance we can define a custom buildpack, in this case the Heroku one, we just need to create it in this way:
$ heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack
So this will create the new Heroku instance with Django 1.4 support.
Creating a Heroku instance for Django from scratch
$ mkdir mysite && cd mysite
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages .
$ source bin/activate
$ cat > .gitignore <<EOF
# Python
# Virtualenv
$ cat > requirements.txt <<EOF
$ cat > Procfile <<EOF
web: python mysite/ runserver\$PORT
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ startproject mysite
$ chmod 755 mysite/
$ git init
$ heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack
$ git add .
$ git commit -m "First commit"
$ git push heroku master
$ heroku open
And then you’re done, you have a new Heroku instance running with Django 1.4.
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