Blog Posts and many more...
Zelda 1 Overworld pixel map
Based on the great map modeled by DarkApollo
STL Files
I fixed a bunch of STL files and uploaded them to Github:
Still Slic3r fails to slice them correctly, I used Slic3r Prusa Edition, it works much... Continue reading
Switching between node versions with brew
Sometimes as a developer, you may have to switch packages in your computer, depending the project, do it with Mac OS X and homebrew is pretty easy. I had to switch versions for a project, I had node v0.6.15 already and I needed to use node v0.4.10 so I did... Continue reading
How to Django 1.4 and Heroku
Heroku is a very complete, scalable and reliable platform, but the last update from part of the Django guys have changed the things a bit. The Django 1.4 directory structure is different and Heroku Buildpack (at this time) has not been updated yet. So I added some code fixing this... Continue reading
First post with Jekyll
This post was pretty easy to make.
Checking out Jekyll for first time.